@include("shared.header") @include("shared.navbar")

@if (str_contains(request()->path(), 'account/courses')) Courses of user {{ Auth::user()->name }} {{ Auth::user()->surname }} @elseif (str_contains(request()->path(), 'account/your_courses')) Courses created by {{ Auth::user()->name }} {{ Auth::user()->surname }} @else Check our courses @endif

Happiness favors the swift!

We are excited to announce a special offer for our newly launched course! If you enroll in the course on the day of its release, you will receive a 5% discount. Don't miss out on this opportunity to join our program at a reduced price. Take advantage of this limited-time offer and secure your spot today!

@if (!str_contains(request()->path(), 'account'))
{{ $courses->links("paginator.paginator") }}