@include("shared.header") @include("shared.navbar")
img}} @endif" width="240" height="240" class="rounded">
@if ($c->author_id!=null)

Author: {{ $c->author->name }} {{ $c->author->surname }}


author_id==null) class="mt-4" @endif>Created: {{ $c->created }}

@if ($c->author_id!=null)

Contact: {{ $c->author->email }}

@endif @auth @if (($c->author_id == Auth::user()->id || Auth::user()->role_id == 1) && $c->visible==1)
$c->id]) }}">
$c->id]) }}">
@endif @endauth

{{ $c->name }}

Language: {{ $c->language }}

Difficulty: {{ $c->difficulty->level }}

Form: {{ $c->form->name }}

Headquarter: {{ $c->headquarter }}

@if (Auth::check()) @if (Auth::user()->role_id==3) @if ($already) Your price: {{ number_format($price, 2, ".", " ") }}$ @else Price: @if ($c->created != date("Y-m-d")) {{ $c->price }}$ @else {{ number_format($c->price*0.95, 2, ".", " ") }}$ @endif @endif @else Price: @if ($c->created != date("Y-m-d")) {{ $c->price }}$ @else {{ number_format($c->price*0.95, 2, ".", " ") }}$ @endif @endif @else Price: @if ($c->created != date("Y-m-d")) {{ $c->price }}$ @else {{ number_format($c->price*0.95, 2, ".", " ") }}$ @endif @endif

@if (Auth::guest()) @if (strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) < strtotime($c->scheduled_start)) @endif @else @if ($c->visible==0)

This course is archived.

@endif @if (Auth::user()->role_id==3) @if (!$already) @if (date("Y-m-d")<$c->scheduled_start)
$c->id]) }}"> @csrf
@endif @else @if ($payment) @else @if (date("Y-m-d")<$c->scheduled_start)
$c->id]) }}"> @csrf
@endif @endif @endif @endif @endif

Scheduled start: {{ $c->scheduled_start }}

Hours: {{ $c->hours }} of 45 minutes

{{ $c->description }}

{{ $c->difficulty->required }}

Nice to have:
{{ $c->difficulty->nice_to_have }}

@if (Auth::check()) @if (Auth::user()->id == $c->author_id || Auth::user()->id == 1)

Enrolled users

@foreach ($enrolled as $e) @endforeach
Name Surname Email contact Date of enrollment Payment
{{ $e["name"] }} {{ $e["surname"] }} {{ $e["email"] }} {{ $e["enrolled_date"] }} {{ $e["payment"] }}
@endif @endif @include("shared.footer")