@include("shared.header") @include("shared.navbar")

On our portal

We have

course offers in our database!
Together we have

registered users who trusted us on their career path!
We have enrolled

people in our courses, which proves our popularity.

Most popular course

$bestCourse->id]) }}" class="text-decoration-none">
img}} @endif" width="120" height="120" class="rounded">

{{ $bestCourse->name }}

Language: {{ $bestCourse->language }}

Difficulty: {{ $bestCourse->difficulty->level }}

Form: {{ $bestCourse->form->name }}

Headquarters: {{ $bestCourse->headquarter }}

Price: @if ($bestCourse->created != date("Y-m-d")) {{ $bestCourse->price}}$ @else {{$bestCourse->price}}$
{{ $bestCourse->price*0.9 }}$


Top 10 languages on portal

@foreach ($ranking as $record) @endforeach
# Language Number of enrollments
{{ $record[0] }}. {{ $record[1] }} {{ $record[2] }} in {{ $record[3] }} courses

World language ranking
